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Make “Fierce Dawn” Fly! Bestseller For a Day May 18th

May 16, 2011

“X-men action meets True Blood heat!”-Ann Charles, Nearly Departed in Deadwood

A brand new Kindle is up for grabs. Every single person who purchases “Fierce Dawn” can request a signed copy. Yes! A personalized, signed ebook as Amber Scott’s thanks for supporting her in driving this un-put-downable (reviewers claim) paranormal adventure up the Amazon Kindle charts.

Don’t have a Kindle yet? That’s okay!

Grab your free Kindle app for your PC, your Mac, your iPhone, iPad, etc. HERE.

Not only will “Fierce Dawn” be promotionally priced at 99 cents, but three stellar Bonus Buys are waiting for your reading pleasure right along with it. “Fated” by Kindle bestselling author Carolyn McCray, “Stolen Dreams” by Stacey Kennedy, and “Cattitude” by Edie Ramer.

Each Bonus Buy author is also offering to rebate back their purchase price when you purchase their ebook AND buy “Fierce Dawn” May 18th. (Just be sure to fill out the rebate form on

Click HERE to buy “Fierce Dawn!”

Wow! Up to four ebooks for just 99 cents? This rocks.

The highest any Bestseller For a Day book reached so far is #185 in overall Kindle rankings. #amazing “30 Pieces of Silver” by Carolyn McCray claimed that spot, hitting #1 in Men’s adventure where it is still in the top ten to date.

Can “Fierce Dawn” beat that number? YES. How many sales will it take?

Can “Fated,” “Stolen Dreams,” and “Cattitude” scale to the top, too? #yesyesyes

With your support, we’re out to find out. Tell your friends, tell your neighbors. Tell your dogwalker’s cousin’s uncle’s hair dresser. May 18th is the day we make history and show the world that readers decide.

Hit to sign up for your newsletter reminder, for the scoop on extra Kindle entries and for the rebate read form once you purchase on May 18th.

For your signed ebook mobi copy of “Fierce Dawn,” email Amber a five word phrase from the middle of the ebook to

Are you a NOOK owner? Just buy the Kindle copy then email Amber ( so she can send you the epub or pdf for your NOOK!

All day long, May 18th, Amber Scott will live update the stats on her Facebook page, on Twitter using #bestsellerforaday and the Bestseller For a Day FB page. Retweet and share away!

3 Comments leave one →
  1. denise permalink
    May 18, 2011 2:30 pm

    Thanks for sponsoring this event! I enjoy them very much, I have zipped over to Amazon and gotten them all! I am having trouble getting to the Bestseller for a Day site and have tried multiple ways to access it and no dice. I hope this means lots of folks are responding!

  2. Jessica Tran permalink
    May 27, 2011 6:06 pm

    well i have not read in awhile and now i can download them on to my computer and read them when i want to with out a issue and i can pick it up and put it down when i need to and that is very often noticing i got a three year old boy how likes to get in to all things. Also it is going for a good cause to our troops how protect us.

  3. Jessica Tran permalink
    May 28, 2011 11:53 am

    I was here yesterday and forgot to leave my e-mail address it is JJTran25@

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